Predict cryptocurrency prices and get paid!

Bitcoin is currently worth $98,048.51. Will it go up or down?

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Predict prices

Will Bitcoin go up or down? Take advantage of our simple live trading chart and predict the prices during short (one minute) intervals. Participation is free.

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Our AI system tracks and rates your trades. Every minute it picks the best predictions and rewards these traders with cash.


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You received Bitcoin!
You just received 0.00050995 BTC ($50.00) to your Bitcoin wallet!

Confirmed 1E6QwUV422T...

Zero risk!

You don't need to invest money to start trading here! Instead, just use our free coins. We will give more in case you run out!

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Real earnings

We give a free balance to trade but reward you with real money for your price predictions.

Fast results

Each trade lasts just 60 seconds. You get your rewards as soon as the trade ends.

Easy start

You will figure it out in just a few minutes. Simply watch the live chart and click to start the trade.

Multiple levels

Our best traders move through levels quickly and get even more bonuses with each advance.

Daily Top

Best traders of yesterday

1. Stellar

952 trades

2. Biesly

960 trades

3. Frostyfrois

727 trades

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Can you predict the price?

Bitcoin price



This website is a free trading simulator and does not involve depositing or investing real money. Despite using real market prices and trading instruments' equivalents, all rewardable user actions are free of any charge and do not involve market exposure and/or possible monetary losses.